Argyll RuaneHome > ICorr Recertification Application Form

ICorr Recertification Application Form

Complete this application form to book an online assessment to renew your Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) certificate.

If you are looking to transition to the ICorr scheme, view our ICorr transition programme.

Before you start

You will need to submit documentation as part of the application. Please ensure you have copies of your photo ID, latest CV summarising coatings-related experience and existing card/proof of qualification.

Need support with your application?

Contact our customer services team with any questions you may have about your application or ICorr rulings.

T:  +44 114 399 5720

Recertification fees

£455 – 1 method

£545 – 2 methods (to be completed within 6 months)

£710 – 3 methods (to be completed within 6 months)