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IMechE Argyll Ruane welcomes new team members

Posted on: October 26th, 2021
Categorised: Staff, NDT ICorr News
Tagged: ndt news, IAR news, IMechE

IMeche Argyll Ruane are pleased to welcome three new members to the team.

Helen Aubrey recently joined the examinations department as an Exams Co-ordinator and will be dealing with bookings, results notices, and invigilation processes for both PCN and ICORR exams undertaken at IMechE Argyll Ruane in Sheffield, in addition to exams undertaken at our partner Approved Examination Centres.

Roger Vaz has joined the technical team as a Level 2 Tutor and will support the delivery of NDT training courses for Level 2 Magnetic Testing, Penetrant Testing, and Eddy current Testing.

Roger has over 15 years’ experience working offshore as an NDT Lead Technician, undertaking rope access NDT inspection on oil rigs and tankers. Roger brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the team, providing valuable insights for students attending courses at IMechE Argyll Ruane.

Amy Schofield also recently joined as Marketing Manager and will be responsible for leading the marketing activities at IMechE Argyll Ruane and IMechE Fife NDT, for both NDT and Corrosion Prevention services.

Amy has worked within NDT for over 8 years and has previous experience in a marketing role. She has played a role in raising the profile of STEM and NDT, as well as supporting the development and implementation of the NDT Apprenticeship schemes. Amy is also a member of Council at the British Institute of NDT and chairs their Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group, which looks at ways of creating a more inclusive industry.

“We are excited to welcome Roger, Helen and Amy to the team and very much look forward to seeing how their knowledge and experience will support future developments at IMechE Argyll Ruane”, said Chris Kirby, General Manager at IMechE Argyll Ruane.