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PCN now accepted under the EU Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)

Posted on: April 16th, 2021
Categorised: NDT ICorr News, NDT
Tagged: PED, Pressure Equipment Directive, EU Pressure Equipment Directive, pcn

An implication of Brexit was that when the UK left the EU on 1st January 2021, holding a PCN qualification no longer enabled NDT operators to carry out non-destructive tests on permanent joints for pressure equipment in categories III and IV in accordance with section 3.1.3 of schedule 2 under the European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).

BINDT has now agreed a certification process with a Lloyds Register company, Dublin-based WQ-iC, which is an EU27 Recognised Third-Party Organisation for the certification of NDT personnel.

Under the agreement, applicable PCN certificates issued between 1st January 2021 to 30th April 2021 can be validated for EU PED approval free of charge by visiting here.

To enable acceptance of applicable PCN certificates for PED compliance from 1st May 2021, BINDT are introducing a £45.00 +VAT PCN PED administration fee for all new/renewal PCN examinations and renewal applications in the welding and pre- and in-service inspection sectors. This will be in addition to the existing £78 PCN administration fee, giving a total of £123 +VAT (£147.60). There will be no additional PED charge fee for retests.

The applicable sectors and methods are: 

2 Pre- and in-service 
6 Welds 

20 Eddy Current 
21 Magnetic Particle Testing 
22 Liquid Penetrant Testing 
23 Visual Testing 
24 Ultrasonic Testing 
25 Radiography 
27 TOFD 
28 Phased Array 
29 Computer Radiographic Testing 
34 Radiographic Interpreter 
35 Computer Radiographic Interpreter 

For further information view the BINDT press release on 08/04/2021 here and view page 2 of the announcement here.  


PED Charge FAQ 

Q. Which certifications will have the new charge? 

A. The following: 

2 Pre- and in-service 
6 Welds 

20 Eddy Current 
21 Magnetic Particle Testing 
22 Liquid Penetrant Testing 
23 Visual Testing 
24 Ultrasonic Testing 
25 Radiography 
27 TOFD 
28 Phased Array 
29 Computer Radiographic Testing 
34 Radiographic Interpreter 
35 Computer Radiographic Interpreter 

QWhich certifications will not have the new charge?  

A. Weld Inspection, BRS, RPS and the following: 

1 Aerospace 
3 Railway maintenance 
4 Castings 
5 Forgings and Wrought Products 
7 Tubes and Pipes 

20 Eddy Current 
21 Magnetic Particle Testing 
22 Liquid Penetrant Testing 
23 Visual Testing 
24 Ultrasonic Testing 
25 Radiography 
27 TOFD 
28 Phased Array 
29 Computer Radiographic Testing 
34 Radiographic Interpreter 
35 Computer Radiographic Interpreter 

Q. Is the new PED charge in addition to the PCN Administration fee?

A. Yes, where applicable, giving a total charge of £123 + VAT (£147.60).

Q. Will the new PED charge have VAT added?

A. Yes, where applicable, giving a total of £54.00. 

Q. Do I need to pay the charge if I do not inspect pressure vessels? 

A. Yes, BINDT is applying this charge to all candidates/PCN certificate holders for the applicable methods to cover its cost of compliance with the WQ-iC agreement and issuing PED certification.

Q. Do I need to pay the charge if I take a retest of an examination?

A. No, you only pay the charge for an initial examination or recertification examination.

Q. If I pay the PED charge at one exam centre and take a retest at a different centre, will I need to pay the charge again?

A. No, we will check that you have already paid the charge. 

Q. If I fail my exam, can I have the PED Charge refunded? 

A. No, the PED charge must be paid by everyone who takes an exam for an applicable method.

Q. If I pass my PCN exam but I am not eligible for certification, can I have the charge refunded?

A. No, the PED charge must be paid by everyone who takes an exam for an applicable method.

Q. Is part of the PED charge going to the exam centre or training school?

A. No, the PED charge is to cover BINDT’s cost of compliance with the WQ-iC agreement and issuing PED certification.

Q. How does the PED Charge benefit me?

A. It enables BINDT to comply with the WQ-iC agreement and issue PED certification. PED Certification enables PCN Certificate holders to carry out non-destructive tests on permanent joints for pressure equipment in categories III and IV in accordance with section 3.1.3 of schedule 2 under the European PED.