Reviving the Institute of Corrosion Yorkshire branch
Posted on: March 1st, 2024Categorised: NDT ICorr News, ICorr
We are thrilled to announce that our ICorr & Business Systems Manager, Dale O’Reilly, has been appointed the Chair of the Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) Yorkshire Branch.
Recognising the need for revival after a period of inactivity, Dale is determined to breathe new life into the branch, leveraging the rich heritage of the City of Steel and the extensive work taking place throughout the Yorkshire region.
His vision is clear: to create a vibrant community of industry professionals coming together to exchange valuable knowledge, share best practice and enhance awareness of corrosion issues, ensuring they are considered in relevant discussions.

Already making strides, Dale has laid the foundation for the branch by utilising contacts from its past to raise awareness and help build a diverse branch membership spanning, inclusive of individuals of all technical capabilities.
Given the expansive geography of Yorkshire, a hybrid approach will be adopted for meetings, ensuring accessibility for everyone to attend in person or remotely.
Get involved
If you’d like to get involved in the branch and find our when upcoming meetings will take place, please get in touch.
Become certified
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